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Torrance County Safety Committee


The mission of the Torrance County Safety Committee is to protect the county’s human, capital and financial resources. The committee will strive to identify and eliminate or reduce sources of actual or potential loss to employees, citizens, and county property and equipment.

Accident prevention is the first step to be taken for an injury-free work force. Each and every employee is encouraged to think: “SAFETY FIRST”

One of the biggest hurdles in the Safety Committee structure can and often does occur during its infancy. When a group of dedicated individuals begin creating, re-motivating, or starting from scratch with a “Safety First” initiative, one of the most frustrating tasks can be deciding what function to serve.

The key word there is “serve”. Although planning, bylaws, mission statements and the like are all important, the underlying mentality of its members should be one of service. With this fundamental philosophy, a Safety Committee will set itself up for success, rather than failure.

The bottom line is that people can make or break any place, organization, or work environment. When the right people are in the right place, everything else lends itself to success.

Thank you for your time, support and effort!

Safety Committee Meeting will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:00 am in the Commission Room

2023 Meeting Dates:

February 9 
March 9
April 13
May 11
June 8
July 13
August 10
September 14
October 12
November 9
December 14

Quarterly Go-Bag/Radio/GHS Updates 

Safety Committee Downloads

General Downloads

All downloads are in PDF format, click here to download Acrobat Reader


Misty Witt - Chairman
Deputy County Manager

Code Enforcement Officer
(505) 544-4394 

Mellisa Madrid - Treasurer
Financial Analyst
(505) 544-4825 

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