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Torrance County Fair Board Meeting

Date: Nov 14, 2023 18:30:00

Torrance County Commission Room
Attend in person if possible.
Please Silence All Electronic Devices

1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
Public Comment Comments from the public are allowed at this time for items that are not scheduled for discussion and action on the regular agenda. Discussion is limited to (2) two minutes for each person wishing to address the Fair Board. The Board may not engage discussion-items brought forth in this section and may schedule the item brought before the Board for a subsequent Board meeting.
5. Auction Update
6. Commission Meeting Update
7. 2024 Ranch Raised Steer Rule
8. County Fair Rodeo
9. Fair Board Foundation
10. 501C3
11. JR Livestock exhibitor age eligibility

Printable PDF Agenda Below

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