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County Assessor


On or before April 1st every year, the Torrance County Assessor’s Office mails out a NOTICE OF VALUE to all property owners/taxpayers in the County. This Notice: The 2025 Notice of Values will be issued on May 1st instead of April 1st due to House Bill 47, which is currently progressing through the legislative process concerning the New Veteran Exemption This notice IS NOT A BILL – it contains important information about your property including your Full Assessed Value, Taxable Value, and Net Taxable Value which your property taxes are based on. Your Tax bill is sent from the Torrance County Treasurer’s office in November each year.

Make sure all information set out on the Notice is correct and check to see that you are receiving all tax savings that you are entitled to: Head of Family, 65 & Older/Disabled at any Age Valuation Freeze, Veteran Exemption, 100% Disabled Veteran Exemption.  


If you disagree with your assessed value, you may dispute or PROTEST the value by completing and filing a Protest Petition with the Assessor’s office. You may appeal your Residential, Non-Residential (inc. Commercial), Manufactured Homes, Business Personal Property, or Livestock for the following reasons:

·         Value in Excess of Current & Correct

·         Denial of Exemption

·         Incorrect Classification

·         Denial of Valuation Freeze

·         Incorrect Tax District

Forms can be obtained from the Assessor’s Office or Click Here, once completed can be sent to Torrance County Assessor’s Office at P.O. Box 258, Estancia, NM 87016, delivered to 205 Ninth Street, Estancia, NM or via email at Your protest form must be received by our office or postmarked no later than April 30, 2024.(30 days after the mailing of the Notices of Value per NMSA 1978, Statute 7-38-24).

Still have questions? Just call, email, or come by!    

Mission Statement:

The County Assessor's Office primary responsibility is to determine "fair market value". We do not create value. Buyers and sellers create value by their transactions in the marketplace.

The County Assessor's Office values property (which includes real property; manufactured homes; commercial property; livestock; and business personal property) in order to fund the cost of local government (Torrance County, the Town of EstanciaMountainairWillardEncino and the City of Moriarty), the public school districts (Estancia, Moriarty-Edgewood and Mountainair), emergency services (sheriff, fire departments and ambulance), and special taxing districts (East TorranceClaunch PintoCarrizozo and Edgewood Soil and Water Conservation Districts).

What We Do:

Accept & process reports from property owners.

  • List and identify location of property.
  • Collect, analyze and interpret market and cost trends.
  • We DO NOT tax your property, but value it for property tax purposes.
  • Value property in conformance with professional standards of the International Association of Assessing Officers and the laws of the State of New Mexico.
  • Apply state laws that exempt certain properties and also allow for lower values for long term residential property owners.
  • Report to the property owner the value of their property through the Notice of Value in April annually.
  • Defend the value placed on the property at the Valuation Protest Board.
  • Please remember the assessor's office cannot perform title searches; you need to contact a local title company to perform a title search of your property.
  • Assessor Critical Date Calendar - Click HERE

Online Mapping Data - GeoCortex Map:

The following link is courtesy of the Torrance County Assessor and Rural Addressing Offices. This site is designed to provide a vast amount of data on properties located in Torrance County, New Mexico. Examples include ownership and assessment information on parcels visit the webpage here.

Please Note: The data is updated 3 times every calendar year; January 1st, April 1st & October 1st.
For additional instructions see the Portico GeoCortex Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Here (PDF)

Did you know?

The Office of the Torrance County Assessor mails over 34,000 Notices of Value each year, and receives approximately 3,000 of those as returned mail due to incorrect addressing. We strongly urge you to verify your contact information with our office.

Verifying this may assist you in avoiding any late fees you may incur from the Treasurer's Office Tax Bill mail out.

Please fill out a “Change of Address Form” found below in the Department Downloads Forms section of our website.

Example Of Calculating Applicable Tax:

The Estimated Property Tax Levy is calculated using the stated price and estimates of the applicable tax rates. The County Assessor is required by law to value the property at its current and correct value, which may differ from the listed price. Further the estimated tax rates may be higher or lower than those that will actually be imposed. Accordingly, the actual Property Tax levied may be higher or lower than the estimated amount. New Mexico law requires your real estate Broker or agent to provide you an Estimate Property Tax Levy on the Property on which you have submitted or intend to submit an Offer to Purchase. Torrance County Assessor having complied with these disclosure requirements shall be immune from liability arising from suit relating to the Estimated Property Tax Levy.

Full Value Of Property Total Assessed Value $ 100,000
Calculate Taxable Value Total Assessed Value divided 3
$ 100,000 divided 3
$ 33,333
Subtract Exemptions Head of Family = $ 2,000
Veterans Exemption = $ 4,000
$2,000 + $4,000 = $ 6,000
- $ 6,000
Net Taxable Value   $ 27,333
Calculate Total Taxes Owed Net Taxable Value x Mil Rate
$ 27,333 x 0.026507
$ 724.52

Torrance County Assessor
PO BOX 258
205 S Ninth Street
Estancia New Mexico, 87016

Monday - Thursday 7:30am to 5:30pm MST


Phone: (505) 544-4300 
Fax: (505) 384-4362

Jesse Lucero
County Assessor (2019-2026)
(505) 544-4320

Linda L. Gallegos
Chief Deputy Assessor
(505) 544-4330

H. Geno Jones
Office Manager
(505) 544-4301

Alanna Chavez-Mitchell
Customer Service Specialist I
(505) 544-4303

Cassie Knoten
Customer Service Specialist II
(505) 544-4302

Crystal Salas
Senior Lead
NM Certified Appraiser
(505) 544-4304

Bill Holt
NM Certified Appraiser
(505) 544-4306

Tanner Solomon
NM Certified Appraiser
(505) 544-4347

Kendra Warrior
Appraiser Tech

Victoria Astorga
Appraiser I
(505) 544-4307 

Helen Gutierrez
CAMA Specialist
(505) 544-4308 

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