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Torrance County DWI Prevention Program

Mission Statement

The Torrance County DWI Planning Council, through the Torrance County DWI Prevention Program, is committed to improving the quality of life and safety of residents in and visitors to our community by increasing prevention education and public awareness, while reducing the incidence of DWI, underage drinking, and alcohol-involved domestic violence incidents. 

News and Announcements


What We Do

The Torrance County DWI Prevention Program, recognizing that DWI, underage drinking, drug misuse and abuse, and alcohol-involved domestic violence incidents are detrimental to residents in and visitors to the community, is committed to increase public awareness of these issues and decrease their incidence in our community. 

Torrance County
DWI Prevention Program
PO Box 48
205 S. Ninth Street
Estancia, NM 87016

Monday - Thursday
7:30am to 5:30pm MST



Myra Luna

DWI Program Coordinator


Misdemeanor Compliance Officer
Amanda Spaulding



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