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Jun 17, 2020

Torrance County Planning & Zoning Ordinance Updates

Estancia, NM - On June 10th, the Torrance County Board of Commissioners approved the publication of proposed amendments to the County Planning and Zoning Ordinance.

The proposed changes are designed to clarify existing land use regulations and streamline the approval process. The amendments reinsert permissive and conditional uses into each defined zone district, clarifying the code. They also insert language directly addressing cannabis as a Conditional Use in the D1 and D2 zones - which is consistent with the County's current practice.

In addition, the new languages reduces the amount of time required for approval. Landowners - whose proposed uses are not appealed to the Board of County Commissioners - should be able to receive final approval by the BCC within 30 days of the Planning and Zoning public hearing on the matter. Opponents to the Planning and Zoning Board decision will have 15 days to file an appeal to be heard by the Board of County Commissioners. If no appeal is filed within 15 days, the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board will be placed on the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting for approval.

Click on the links below to review the proposed changes:

Proposed Ordinance Amendments
Planning and Zoning Ordinance with Proposed Amendments - Redline

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